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What data does this store collect about me?

Personal data like name, email, and address will be collected if you order a t-shirt from me. Cookies will save the information in your shopping cart in case you exit your cart or leave the site before you complete your order. You can modify the cookies permissions on your internet browser.

What does this store do with my data and why?

Your data is collected so that I can send you an order confirmation email and order updates, and so that my t-shirt printer can send you your t-shirt.

Who does this store share my data with?

This website shares information with Paypal in order to process payments. You will have an opportunity to view their privacy policy when you make your payment.

How long does this store keep my data?

Your data will be retained at least until your order is fulfilled and up to 1 year after you place an order.

How can I access, update, or delete the collected data?

If you want to request a copy of your data, or to update or delete your data, you can email me at